Bazelon Center
For over four decades, the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has fought for the rights and dignity of people with mental disabilities. We work to fully integrate people with mental disabilities into our society, by protecting their right to self-determination and securing their access to needed services. We pursue our goals though policy advocacy, litigation, and public education.
The David Romprey Oregon Warmline
Toll-Free 1-800-698-2392 This Warm Line is designed and provided by persons who have or had challenges in mental health and are able to support their peers who are struggling with a variety of mental health issues, who are experiencing huge and painful feelings. The David Romprey Oregon Warmline is grounded in the principles of personal responsibility, mutuality, reciprocity, respecting others thoughts and beliefs as valid and important, growth beyond stigma, shame, and limits placed upon those living with mental illness.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Oregon
DBSA is a peer-directed organization that fosters an environment of understanding about the impact and management of these life-threatening illnesses. Their support group meetings are confidential and include group sharing, educational speakers, and a wide variety of resources to help you make informed decisions in regards to depression and bipolar disorders.
Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon
Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA) is a peer support group based on an authorized version of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous plus an additional 5 Steps that focus on Dual Diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). DDA's unique 12 Steps Plus 5 Program offers *hope for achieving the promise of recovery.
In a friendly and supportive atmosphere, members focus on developing the strengths, talents and skills needed to foster positive mental health, and gain optimum independence in their lives. FolkTime is a peer community of people in recovery, supported by a small, dedicated board of directors. Volunteers and community support are an integral part of all we do.
Heeling Allies: Mental Health Assistance Dogs
Heeling Allies specializes in privately training Mental Health Service Dogs nationally (including Oregon) for individuals over the age of 18 with mental illness, developmental disorders, intellectual disorders, and other psychological conditions that rise to the level of a disability.
Iron Tribe
Iron Tribe is a community organization of ex-cons in recovery. They are men and women who have been incarcerated and are now engaged in a program of living that is based upon recovery, peer support and building community. Their mission is to provide peer support and guidance for the releasing ex-con and people in recovery, as they navigate successful integration into the community.
Mental Health Association of Portland
The Mental Health Association of Portland is the state’s impartial and independent advocate for persons with mental illness and addiction. Our task is to help persons with a diagnosis of mental illness or addiction speak up and speak out – and to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
MindFreedom International
MindFreedom International is a nonprofit organization that unites 100 sponsor and affiliate grassroots groups with thousands of individual members to win human rights and alternatives for people labeled with psychiatric disabilities.
NAMI Oregon
The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Oregon (NAMI Oregon) is a statewide grassroots organization with more than 1,500 members in 15 affiliates; it is one of 50 state organizations that comprise the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Our mission is to improve the quality of life of individuals with mental illnesses and their families through education, support, and advocacy.
Oregon Senior Peer Outreach (OSPO)
“No Need To Go It Alone.” OSPO offers friendly weekly calls to older adults who may be experiencing loneliness, isolation, sadness, grief or loss.
Connecting with an individual having lived experience who can listen, understand, relate to and grow with us wherever we are in our journey is what we call peer support. OREGON is home to a galaxy of amazing peers, peer support specialists, peer run organizations and peer delivered services. Visit the PeerGalaxy Calendar featuring telephone and online peer support and wellness activities.
Portland Hearing Voices
Portland Hearing Voices is a community group to promote mental
diversity. We create public education, discussion groups, training, and community support related to hearing voices, seeing visions, and having unusual beliefs and sensory experiences often labeled as psychosis, bipolar, mania, paranoia, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders. We aim to reduce fear and misunderstanding, question stereotypes, promote holistic health options, overcome isolation, and create a more inclusive community.
Project ABLE
Project ABLE, a non profit organization, provides peer-to-peer services and supports for individuals recovering from mental health and co-occurring issues. These supports and services embrace human dignity, expand the capacity for individuals to recover and promote life-long empowerment.
Psychiatric Service Dog Society
The Psychiatric Service Dog Society (PSDS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to responsible Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) education, advocacy, research and training facilitation. We provide essential information for persons disabled by severe mental illness, who wish to train a service dog to assist with the management of symptoms.
Rooted Recovery
Rooted Recovery provides evidence-based, specialized behavioral health services to individuals who are struggling with unhealthy eating patterns, eating disorders, addictions and associated conditions. Recovery in your home community is possible with your choice of treatment services, including psychotherapy, daily support groups,nutrition counseling, life skills coaching, and meal support. We believe that everyone in need deserves access to support; in addition to traditional in-person treatment, Rooted Recovery increases access to services through a HIPAA compliant teletherapy platform. Rooted Recovery provides nationwide treatment and support services anytime, anywhere, 7-days/week. To learn more, go to www.rootedrecovery.com, email us at customerservice@rootedrecovery.com or call us at 888-455-1642.