This Is What Recovery Looks Like
In honor of Recovery Month 2020, we are highlighting some of our amazing Peer Support Specialists’ recovery stories! Thank you to all of those in recovery who continue to show up for their peers and be a beacon of hope in these difficult times!
Jesse Maxwell
Washington County Juvenile Drug Court Peer Support Specialist
“Recovery to me means knowing that I have a story, but that I am not that story. In active addiction I did and said things that I can never change, but I know that is not who I am, those moments do not define me. Recovery is looking in the mirror and not hate the person looking back. Recovery means many different things to so many people, but I think the thing that is most important to me is connectivity. Having real genuinely intimate relationships with others. In my opinion, the opposite of Addiction is Connection and it is that connection I was missing for so long.”
Amber Hatkoff
Clackamas County Peer Support Specialist
My recovery date is 2/12/18. I share my recovery date with a lot of gratitude. I didn't believe I could make it back. I lost all control. I lived to use and used to live.
Today, my life is filled with so many blessings. I am building the life I have ALWAYS wanted. I am becoming the best version of myself. This journey is so powerful and beautiful. I get to show up for myself today, I get to show up for my Daughter and I get to show up for my future. I was given this beautiful gift of recovery. IT IS POSSIBLE.
Jenny Manzanares
Program Manager for Clackamas EVOLVE, Housing Authority of Clackamas County, NW Housing Alternatives, and Kaiser Project Nurture
Recovery today to me means making better choices in my life for myself and my family with a clear mind. I try to live day by day and take steps to improve in all areas. I love giving back in my own way and my recovery is my daily journey and I'm loving it! My recovery date is 9/2/14.