Course Catalogue
The following state-approved training provides instruction in basic peer support skills. Graduates of this training will be eligible to apply for state certification through the Oregon Health Authority.
Peer Wellness Specialist Training
80 Hours
In this training, participants learn the required skills necessary to become successful Peer Wellness Specialists. Participants learn how to effectively support peers with their health and wellness goals.
This training offers CEUs that can be applied to re-certification for Peer Support Specialists in the State of Oregon:
PeerZone Facilitator Training
4-day training
What Is PeerZone?
PeerZone is a series of peer-led workshops for people who experience mental distress and addiction. The workshops are a combination of peer support and recovery education and provide a fun, interactive, safe structure for participants to share their experiences, learn self-management, and expand their horizons. Workshops explore distress, recovery, and major life domains such as lifestyle, relationships, housing, and employment. These pre-packaged, billable workshops can be offered as 18 three-hour or 36 ninety-minute sessions.
Workshop Facilitator Training
PeerZone offers a 4-day training for peer workers to become certified facilitators, who then deliver the PeerZone workshops as part of their employment to people in their service or community. Post-training support includes monthly group teleconferences, advice on-demand, analysis and feedback of workshop evaluations, improvements to workshops and access to our mobile friendly website. Facilitators also gain access to our online toolkit with 52 new topics full of resources for use 1:1 and in shorter groups.
The Benefits of PeerZone
For service agencies, PeerZone is a:
Service innovation for provider organizations that invest in it.
Practical tool and support structure for workers with lived experience who facilitate it.
Personal development opportunity for service recipients who participate in it.
For individual participants, PeerZone works by:
Inviting them to rebuild a more positive story of their lives.
Offering tools for whole of life well-being.
Creating a community of mutual support.
How can I bring PeerZone to my agency?
We offer free 1:1 consultation for all interested agencies to learn more.
We train your employees to facilitate PeerZone workshops.
Employees facilitate PeerZone workshops as a billable service and part of their employment.
We provide facilitators with a website, resources, on-demand support, and monthly group teleconferences.